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anglijskij_jazyk:pashkovskaja_t.a [2008/04/24 18:29]
anglijskij_jazyk:pashkovskaja_t.a [2008/04/24 19:06] (текущий)
Строка 37: Строка 37:
6. Another artist, Blade, has his own website devoted only to the world of graffiti. This website has a ‘merchandise page’ where Blade sells things with his own original designs all over the world – everything from baseball caps to yoyos! Leonard McGurr, a street artist for 25 years, went from painting subway trains to designing and marketing graffiti-inspired clothes for young people. “Graffiti has been a story of survival,” he says. “There’s a way to benefit from your work without spoiling public  property.” 6. Another artist, Blade, has his own website devoted only to the world of graffiti. This website has a ‘merchandise page’ where Blade sells things with his own original designs all over the world – everything from baseball caps to yoyos! Leonard McGurr, a street artist for 25 years, went from painting subway trains to designing and marketing graffiti-inspired clothes for young people. “Graffiti has been a story of survival,” he says. “There’s a way to benefit from your work without spoiling public  property.”
Ivan the Terrible Ivan the Terrible
 +Ivan Vasilievich (1533-1584) had a violent personality. As tsar, he definitely earned the name 'Terrible'. He was very cruel to anyone who argued with him. He killed thousands of ordinary people.
 +However, that is not all there is to say about Ivan Vasilievich. Think about these questions:
 +    When did the Volga become a great Russian river, all the way from its beginning in the Valdai hills to the Caspian Sea?
 +    When did the Russians move into Siberia?
 +    When did Russia have its first regular army?
 +    When did they print the first book in Russian?
 +All these  questions have the same answer: in the second half of the 16th century, when Ivan the Terrible was the tsar. Ivan Vasilievich also started a friendly and positive relationship between Russia and England. This is how it happened. In 1553 an English sea captain, Richard Chancellor, wanted to find a way to China through the northern seas. He got as far as the White Sea but bad weather stopped him. He landed at the Russian port of Archangel. Ivan the Terrible invited Chancellor to Moscow.
anglijskij_jazyk/pashkovskaja_t.a.txt · Последние изменения: 2008/04/24 19:06 От pashkovskaya
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